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City Council Minutes


12/11/2024 Monthly Council Meeting



Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Richard Golden, and Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Lisa McNichols, Gail Lauderdale

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Approval of Minutes for November 13th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Richard 2nd by: John. Motion Passed

John made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

John made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Public Input:

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Absent – City Clerk will report for Jeremy - LKM has informed the City of Windom, The new judge hired on does not need a certificate to be hired on to the City of Windom. While working in office Jeremey has filed various reports with KBI, and Judicial Administration.

Gail Lauderdale: Inquired on the Ordinance 218. Resident is requesting information on allowing a Large Animal within the city limits. It was determined that the resident has to have a minimum of 2 acres, a fenced in enclosure. Please refer to Ord. 218 for more information in regards to the Large Animal Ordinance.

Lisa McNichols: Informed council about the water rate increase. Council approves Resolution No. 24-03, raising the rate on all city and rural customers. Richard made motion to approve the Water Rate Increase Resolution No. 24-03, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed. Council will come back next month for the MASWU rate increase. Lisa informed the council that there is a Town Grant available coming in January. Lisa will provide Information to council on the requirements for the grant. She will also provide the Town Grant to the beautification group. There was no input from council for the January Newsletter.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Janis provided a quote for Police Car maintenance council will need to make a motion to approve the repairs of $1,597.82 John made motion to allow the repairs to be done by Classic to Current Auto in McPherson, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed. Resident at Sunset View Estates had been having high water usage leading to a water leak in his basement. It was determined that the Pressure regulator was not put in place from MBI. It is actively being fixed by MBI. The resident at 38 Moccasin Rd will have his last water reading on 12/4. This customer will be moving to a Rural Water Supply. Brian will disconnect the meter on 12/20 when he does his meter readings.

John: Nothing to Report.

Richard: Nothing to Report.  

Alice:  Needs a head count for the Council Party on December 20th will be the Council Christmas Dinner at 6:00pm. We will extend the invitation to Tricia Arnold and Todd Baldwin. Gale was given signed check number 9134 at our 12/11 to pay and pick up the food from Woodies BBQ.

Debbie: Absent

Dennis:  Absent

Unfinished Business: Charles Lindborg Offer Letter, Reconnection Fees, MASWU Rates and Town Grant information.   

New Business: Oaklawn Camper Contract – Renewal for 2025 year. 

Alice made motion to adjourn seconded by Richard. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:23 PM

Next regular meeting: January 8th,   2024, 5:45 PM - Work Session begins at 5:00 PM before the meeting.


11/13/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Debbie Gadberry, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Lisa McNichols, Gail Lauderdale, Jeremy Rodriguez

Public: Denise Dater, Charles Lindborg, Rhonda Fortenberry, Terri Bornholdt, Dara Hoffman, Terrie White, Jim Nelson

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:46 PM

Approval of Minutes for September 11th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Debbie 2nd by: John. Motion Passed

Richard made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Dennis. Motion passed.

Debbie made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

Public Input: Park Beautification – ADA Bathroom, Roof, Ceilings, Faucets – Auto / Motion, Meters, New Locks – Timer/Auto/Push, Mural, Park Equipment – ADA Comp (Wheel Chair, Locking Swing). Lyons Club has received a $10,000 grant from the McPherson Community Foundation. They would like to use those funds to update the park. First contact will be Terrie White and 2nd Contact Dara Hoffman. They would also like to keep adding donations to keep updating the park and place in new sidewalks.  Group must keep in contact with Janis Bernd, she is the park director. Richard made motion to approve the improvements made by the Beautification Group, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Review the report from Trent Maxwell, Looking into a few Excavation groups to have the houses removed that have been condemned. Did reach out to the owner and will see if they are willing to pay for one property demo. Update Council with the Police Car servicing update. Dennis made motion to approve car being serviced, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

Jeremy will be setting up a Facebook Page to get out news and contacts with the community.

Gail Lauderdale: Nothing to Report

Lisa McNichols: Request a yearly membership to the CCMFAO – City Clerks & Municipal Finance Officers Association of $65.00 per year. Richard made motion to approve the membership, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed. Council has nothing to put in the newsletter for December. Rick Witte has updated our budget to correct the Ad Valorem Taxes. New amended budget provided to council. LKM awarded Certificates for Employees working 5 years or more. Debbie, Jeremy awarded 10 years. Dennis and Gale awarded 15 years. Janis awarded 45 years.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Judge discussion and follow up with proper certifications. Water Tower – We didn’t get approved for the 2024 funds but will keep working to get the funding in 2025 to replace our water tower. City will need to work on Winterizing out equipment. Speeding is a big issue but has been addressed with the school; John Paden sent a text to the parents and teachers to inform them to be mindful of the speed limit of 20 MPH in the town of Windom. Discuss the Christmas party.

John: Nothing to Report.

Richard: Would like to say thanks for the painted windows.  

Alice:  December 20th will be the Council Christmas Dinner 6:00pm – 6:30pm

Debbie: Nothing to Report.

Dennis:  Will cancel Sid Reimer loads he has requested. The Income

Dennis made motion to schedule a yearly inspection in the fall seconded by John. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business: Service Cop Car, Offer to Charles Lindberg for City Judge – Jeremy will insure he has the proper certifications. Charles will be offered $120.00 per hour without mileage reimbursement; we will review our cost at a later date.  Charles work on Wed/ Thursdays Evenings as needed. City Attorney – Brian Bina and Code Enforcement – Jeremey will need to be present during the meetings. 

New Business:

Debbie made motion to adjourn seconded by Richard. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM

Next regular meeting: December 11th,   2024, 5:45 PM - Work Session begins at 5:00 PM before the meeting.


10/9/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Debbie Gadberry, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Lisa McNichols, Jeremy       

Public: Denise Dater, Joe Duvall, Ayden Duvall, Rose Mary Saunders

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Approval of Minutes for September 11th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Dennis 2nd by: Debbie. Motion Passed

Debbie made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

6:00PM – Public Hearing about Water Tower installing and cost. Public to bring forth any concerns or questions

Public Input: RoseMary Saunders –Water Tower Grant is listed in for $ 1.4 Million and $ 900 thousand in loan forgiveness. This will leave $500,000 for the loan; the loan will allow it to extend it out for 30 years. Interest rate pending 2.72% if we sign the paper today. Level Interest Rate for the life of the loan. Interest rate is based on a 90 day market value. Application has been sent out to the state. Council and City need to decide what they are going to do with the existing water tower.  The water tower has the potential to be listed on the National Historical Society. Cost estimate to include the removal of the previous water tank, including the safety of the lead paint as the alternate. We currently have a 65,000 gallon tank but would consider going to a 75,000 tank. If we stick with the 65,000 gallon tank it would considered a special tank and would be a custom build. You will have up until we sign on the loan to back out of the loan agreement.  Provided Resolution # 12.2 for the water tower.

Executive Session: Went into Executive session at 6:43 PM and Exited at 6:48 PM. Exiting Session Tasks; Will schedule appointments for follow up on stated properties. Debbie made motion to approve the Executive Session, 2nd by Dennis. Motion Passed.

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Double Wide at 607 East Street has been torn down. Still trying to make contact with the owners on Blair Property.

Gail Lauderdale: Absent

Lisa McNichols: Sign Sympathy Cart for William Bill Teeter. Sign Thank you Card for Stanley Junke. We need to keep an eye out for our housing survey from Martin. Will file the Lead Copper Surveys for October 16th. The winners of the $ 50 off their billing are as follows.  Joe Duvall, Starla Andreas, Lene’ Krause, Robin Wilson, Clyde Riley. Council has no input for the November Newsletter.  

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Budget, Lift Station issues discussed. Council needs to work on Priority Projects. Stanley Junke will be retiring as of 9/25/2024. Has purchased Purple Heat Sewer Line Clean out, ordered Received on 10/8/2024 and delivered to City Garage for the cost of $601.50. Sewer lines should be cleaned out about every three years. Halloween – Trunk or treat and the Fall Festival. Working on Winter Prep for all of the city equipment and mowers. Jeremey to provide update on the condemned properties.  Go over with council and discuss scheduling yearly lift station maintenance. Volunteer agreements need to be signed for anyone who wants to do any work for the City; it will expire 1 year from the signed date. Voting Security will be needed on Nov 4th for 4 hours and from 7am – 7pm on November 5th.

John: Nothing to Report.

Richard: Trimmer update requested.

Alice:  East Walnut Property needs to be mowed.


Debbie: Nothing to Report.

Dennis:  Yearly pump (Fall Time) - $500 to $600 per trip will be provide a 37 point check each checkup, parts at a separate cost most are on hand but may need to order in those parts.

Dennis made motion to schedule a yearly inspection in the fall seconded by John. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business:  Charles Lindborg Interview During work session, Pass out awards, Beautification Project to make an appearance.

New Business:

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by Alice. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM

Next regular meeting November 13th at 5:45 PM


9/11/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Debbie Gadberry, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor, Dennis Holmquist

Employees: Lisa McNichols         

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:50 PM

Motion to close Budget Hearing – No Action to Take - Motion by: Debbie 2nd by: Dennis. Motion Passed

Approval of Minutes for August 14th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Richard 2nd by: Alice. Motion Passed

Debbie made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Public Input: Oaklawn Camper Resort – Council will sign off the prior year’s business certifications. Will not renew 2025 until proof of insurance received, Trash Receptacles are screed and Clean up Maintenance is done on the lot.

Executive Session: Went into Executive session at 6:13 PM and Exited at 6:15 PM. No action to be taken in Executive session. Dennis made motion to approve the Executive Session, 2nd by Richard. Motion Passed.

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Double Wide at 607 East Street will have until October 11th to be torn down. The land owner was notified in person by the council. New Demo Permit will need to be signed at the City Hall. P.C. would like to request the council to extend working hours not to exceed 5 hours for September only. Richard made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Gail Lauderdale: None

Lisa McNichols: Oaklawn Camper Resort Renewal of City License. Council reviewed and approved the Volunteer Agreement. Debbie made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed. Clarified that the treasure duties will include verifying the cash deposits as well as reconciling checks. Lisa will update the contract to include the new procedure. Water Protection Plan will need to have an updated yearly approval. Richard made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed. Will continue to update yearly in December. USD # 444 has requested a build permit. This is to expand the building on the west side of the property.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: House Demo – 400 Block Blair, Condemned paperwork was found. Ready to move to stage 2 Dennis made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed. Went over the employee evaluations will provide this during our Contract renewals. Ordered backup battery for the sewer will place as soon as we get it in. Updated the council on the water leak on 700 Block East St. City wide clean-up is scheduled for Sept 27th – 29th. There are hazards on both sides of 700 Blocks East Streets. Went over the Lead Copper Surveys, Not all the residents will fill one out so we will submit the ones we have. Drawing for 5 winners of our $50.00 of their utility bills will be drawn on 10/9/2024. Appointed Alice Jo Taylor to order food for the Christmas Party.

John: Absent

Richard: Nothing to report.

Alice:  Nothing to report.

Debbie: Update on Paden, and Go over the Building Expansions plans.

Dennis:  Nothing to Report

Unfinished Business:  Lead Copper Survey due October 16th. All Surveys to be turned in on 10/8.

New Business:

Debbie made motion to adjourn seconded by Alice. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:04 PM

Next regular meeting October 9th at 5:45 PM


8/14/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Debbie Gadberry, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Lisa McNichols         

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM

Approval of Minutes for July 10th Council Meeting:  Motion by: John 2nd by: Richard. Motion Passed

Alice made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

Richard made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

Public Input:

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Double Wide will be taken care of, reported on Weeds, South Hutch not able to help on Condemnation, Citations on their way. Reached out to the house on Blair, the brother owns it but was not given contact information. Wil research

Gail Lauderdale: Absent

Lisa McNichols: Trunk or Treat October 26th 6:30pm to 8PM, 1 Day Dog in City Hall Exception August 26th will post on the door, baby gate office door.  Motion by: John 2nd by: Richard. Motion Passed. Need to email any setbacks to Hollie the county treasurer by September. MASWU Fall Clean up Sept 27th – 29th. Motion by: Richard 2nd by: Alice. Motion Passed. Sign Sympathy Cards for Cheryl Smyers and Jack Mathis. Provided McPherson Housing Conference Tickets for Gail, John, Alice and Lisa.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Review the Budget. Motion by: John 2nd by: Alice. Motion Passed. Tree removal on the right of way, the property owner is reasonable for taking care of the property. But needs to inform the City / Mayor before they remove any trees. Volunteers for City Wide work requested. Elliott Insurance said there is no liability coverage they will need to sign a waiver before working. School can use picnic tables without charge. If the Court house is closed the City Hall will be closed.

John: Nothing to report.

Richard: Nothing to report.

Alice:  Nothing to report.

Debbie: Nothing to report.

Dennis:  Absent.

Unfinished Business:  Richard Drake – Condemnation

New Business: For September 11th Council Meeting

Richard made motion to adjourn seconded by John. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:18 PM

Next regular meeting September 11th at 5:45 PM


7/10/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Lisa McNichols       

Public: Denise Dater, McPherson Housing Coalition (Karolyn Moore and Chris Goodson)

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Approval of Minutes for June 12th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Dennis 2nd by: Richard. Motion Passed

Dennis made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

Public Input:

McPherson Housing Coalition – Housing Studies are coming out, Will revel at the housing conference 8:30am to 3pm on Sept 26th. Lead Based paint, Changes to Selling your home, Marla Canfield will be presenting. Michael Fig will also present.

Housing Conference 8:30am to 3pm Registration is $25 per person included lunch. John, Alice, Lisa to attend. Richard made motion to approve, 2nd by Dennis. Motion passed.

Home Owner Program – 62 yrs. older, $10,000 grants to help with repair the house. Will provide the applications. Next funding for the grants will be October. You can also apply for a 1% loan up to $40,000.

CBDG – Through McPherson Commerce will allow us to apply for a grant to help us condemn our vacant property.

SKED – South Central Kansas Economic Development – Grant program.

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Note from Jeremy (absent)– Property across from fire dept. will be taken care of 607 East Street set to be removed this month. Weeds have been addressed

Gail Lauderdale: 504 Home repair in the newsletter

Lisa McNichols: CS Computer Quotes, LKM Annual Conference Request for October. City will pay for fees for registration, Hourly Wages, and mileage to and from. Dennis made motion to approve, 2nd by John. Motion passed. Will call Little River to see if they are doing a 2nd Fogging, If so will they come back here into town and around the sewer pond. BPU has requested a letter of support, council to sign the letter. QuickBooks Cost going up we will keep the Desktop Version and allowing for renewal. Will designate Lisa McNichols as a Primary Contact / Administrator for all QuickBooks accounts.  Dennis made motion to approve, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.. 1312 12th Ave turned on their own water do we charge a tampering fee? Has not paid the Deposit either. Council decided to just charge for the back usage of location no tampering fee charges. Will also place meter locks on the rest of the new build division. Dennis and Janis will get those locks in place. Informed council of the newsletter format will be changing. Will also keep updating the window painting on city hall.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Go over the lead and copper survey. Alice will go around door to door getting those forms filled out. Lisa will put on the newsletter, Website, FB about calling the city with questions or to schedule a time Alice can come out.  Budget on hold as for Gail to review the documents. Will be testing the Sirens as soon as possible. Will be putting meter locks on the Sunset View Estates so that way the residents will not be able to turn them on. Weather related damages, does council want to go onto private property to help clean up. Council has decided they will only clean up if the branches are in the right of way.

John: Nothing to report.

Richard: Nothing to report.

Alice:  Be sure to handle the weeds

Debbie: Absent  

Dennis:  Nothing to report.

Unfinished Business:  Budget

New Business: For August 14th Council Meeting

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by Alice. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM

Next regular meeting August 14th at 5:45 PM


6/12/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden and Alice Jo Taylor, Debbie Gadberry

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Lisa McNichols       

Public: Denise Dater, Chelsea Bernd, Starla Andreas, Stanley Juhnke

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Approval of Minutes for May 8th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Debbie 2nd by: John. Motion Passed

Dennis made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Debbie / Richard. Motion passed.

Public Input:

Chelsea – Provided clarification on the city ordinances. Employees are only allowed on property during normal business hours or in emergency situations.

Starla – Complaint – Residents dogs keep getting out. Would like council to cite the neighbor for Dogs as large. Jeremy will take care of Citation on the said resident.  

Stanley – Executive Session – No notes where taken

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  Driving with no slow moving signs – need to register cart 1x per year. Tickets where issued to property / Speeding.  

Gail Lauderdale: Nothing to Report

Lisa McNichols: Sympathy Card for Michael Urton and Douglas Johnson. Will post a no gun sign on the front door.  

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Mosquito Spraying, Will have Lisa call for a 2nd spraying. Update on water tower news – Nothing to report. Need to keep List of Priority’s updated for the council. Thank you notes to Fire Dept. for the reflective signs on the fire hydrants. Dog Registrations put the first late fees on the July invoices. Difference between the Variance and the right way.

John: Nothing to report.

Richard: Will donate a push weed eater. Does not know if it is working or not Dennis to check.

Alice:  Inquired about putting in Concrete Culverts.  

Debbie: Absent  

Dennis:  Order a pack of Cones 28’ – no motion needed because it is under the allowed approval.

Unfinished Business:  discuss 4th of July - Motion by: Dennis 2nd by: Alice. Motion Passed

New Business: For July 10th Council Meeting – McPherson Housing Coalition

Alice made motion to adjourn 2nd by everyone. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM

Next regular meeting July 10th at 5:45 PM


5/08/2024 Monthly Council Meeting 


Mayor:  Janis Bernd

Council:  Members: John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden, And Alice Jo Taylor

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Jeremy Rodriguez, Lisa McNichols, Tricia Arnold     

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Approval of Minutes for April 10th Council Meeting:  Motion by: Richard Golden 2nd by: Dennis Holmquist and April 29th Special Council Meeting: Motion by Dennis Holmquist 2nd by: John Ratzlaff. Motion Passed

Dennis made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

Alice made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Executive Session:  Ending at 6:32pm Action Taken – Council decided to make statements of the situation that occurred in Windom, Kansas.  The employee will be informed of the actions taken by the council.

Public Input: None

Staff reports:

Police Chief: The police car needs a new battery and battery tinder is needed. Will purchase 5 books of 50 citations under $100. Reminder that Steve Junke will be here June 12th so have your questions ready.

Gail Lauderdale: The tree board is officially responsible to mark diseased trees in the park and notify someone to take them down.

Lisa McNichols: Filed ARPA, Waiting on Renewal for S.A.M.S (Water Grant). The office will be closed May 10th, 15th, 27th. Provided new contracts for city employees to sign. Sub-contractor with MTC had a verbal dispute with a resident on Utility Easements. Research we found 15 ft. utility easement is not centered with the 10 ft. alley. Fluctuates 5 ft. on either side, Depending on how the gas, electric, water was previous laid. Dig site has to be 2.5 ft. from laid gas line. Request to reorder order Deposit Slips (Printed or Generic) for General Account   Generic - Motioned by Richard Golden 2nd by John Ratzlaff Motion Passed. Rental of City Hall building – Motion Failed. Council will not rent out the City hall building. Motioned by Dennis Holmquist 2nd by John Ratzlaff Motion Passed.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Ideas for Donated, Post & Concrete Blocks, west road of the pond to allow easy access. Approved a new Battery and Car Port for the handheld for the water meters. Appointed in the new City Clerk and Other City Employee Contracts Need to get Lead Paper work out to our residents.  Priorities for the rest of the year Budget Due in a couple months. Concerns from council that are a priority, Police, Sewer, Water Reports and any repairs done or needed in the future

John: Nothing to report.

Richard: Nothing to report.

Alice: Trees in the right of way – City or Resident owned – Property owner to take responsible action. Does the council want to allow tree clean up in the right – away. Asphalt on the roads during the summer? Council has agreed to try a couple roads to see how well it holds up before proceeding.

Debbie: Absent – No Spring Concert.

Dennis:  Torch – has a hole need to be fixed or replaced hose $100 or less can be purchased without approval.  Truck – get working.  Siren is working – Test weekly unless bad weather 5 min run time Wednesday 12pm. Weather Permitting. Backhoe – Hose replaced as needed.  Dennis will be riding in the May Day Parade.  Sewer back up motor in for repairs at Central Electric Motors in Hutchinson. Motioned by Richard Golden 2nd by John Ratzlaff Motion Passed.

Unfinished Business:  Discuss 4th of July

New Business: For June 12th Council Meeting

- Chelsea Bernd – City Ordinance on the restrictions / Guidelines when and employees or residents can enter onto another residences property.

-Starla Andreas – Complaint / Proposal – Residents dogs keep getting out. Wants the council to cite the neighbor.

- Williams – Want to put in a service line – Need to work on a contract.

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by John Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:01 PM

Next regular meeting June 10th at 5:45 PM




4/10/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor Janis Bernd

Council Members: John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden, Alice Taylor, Debbie Gadberry,

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Jeremy Rodriguez, Tricia Arnold, Lisa McNichols

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Dennis made motion to accept the minutes from March 13th h, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Debbie made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Alice made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Public Input: None

Staff reports:

Police Chief:  $ 175.00 that was allotted for his uniforms will stay with him until he needs the funds. Will get a quote for Citation books thru the company Dumond.  Appt for Monday 1pm $35.00 to repair Radio at Telecome. Letters to property owners east and south of town. Will check out property across the street from fire station. Contact Steve Junke

Gail Lauderdale: No Action

City Clerk: Pet Vaccination Clinic May 16th 6 -7pm, Provided Info for QuickBooks reached out to Summer Thomas, will follow up with more info. Contact Enterprise about the prices. Gale mentioned it would be $179.28 per Month.

Alice made motion that we have spring clean-up the weekend of April 20th, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Special meeting with Rose Mary Saunders about water tower grant, City Park Ideas, Priority List by next meeting.

John: Nothing to Report

Richard: Nothing to report

Alice: Move Dumpsters facing west not south. Lisa will reach out to MASWU and move them.

Debbie: Nothing to report

Dennis: Council will not rent out the trailer, every month Payroll Vouchers must be presented.

John made motion to order Eliminator spray, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business:  Water Tower

New Business: none

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by Alice and Debbie. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM

Next regular meeting May 8th at 5:45 PM



3/13/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor Janis Bernd

Council Members: John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden, Alice Taylor, Debbie Gadberry

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Jeremy Rodriguez

Public: Denise Dater

Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Debbie made motion to accept the minutes from February 14th h, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Alice made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

John made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Public Input: None

Staff reports:

Police Chief: Jeremy reported that all information on radar, ticket books and uniforms would be going to his old phone that he turned over to the city clerk.  He also said we need to find out where the VIN money went.

Debbie made motion to purchase a new uniform shirt and pants not to exceed $175.00, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to purchase new ticket books, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Gail Lauderdale: Gail made a request to add caller ID to the City Hall telephone.

Richard made motion to add caller ID to the City Hall telephone, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

Tricia Arnold: Tricia was absent but had spring clean-up dates available are 04/6/2024, 04/13/2024 or 04/20/2024

Alice made motion that we have spring clean-up the weekend of April 20th, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Janis spoke on the telemetry; she requested that the maintenance form when using any equipment. Rose Mary will get back to her on the water tower. Will call Elliott’s to see if siren is on our insurance. Dennis will have Doug check to see if there is any used stuff.

John: City Clerk, could we go back and meet the wage of the 1st candidate.

Richard: nothing to report

Alice: nothing to report

Debbie: March 22nd Little River school carnival.  April 19th -21st school plant sale

Dennis: He will talk to the county about the lines on Main Street.  Need approval to order spray. (15 more bottles of the 32oz.)

John made motion to order Eliminator spray, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business:  none

New Business: none

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by Richard. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:01 PM

Next regular meeting April 10th at 5:45 PM

City of Windom Minutes


                                                                    2/14/2024 Monthly Council Meeting


Mayor Janis Bernd

Council Members: John Ratzlaff, Dennis Holmquist, Richard Golden, Alice Taylor, Debbie Gadberry

Employees: Gail Lauderdale, Tricia Arnold, Jeremy Rodriguez


Janis called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM

Debbie made motion to accept the minutes from December 13th h, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to approve the general vouchers, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

John made motion to approve the water vouchers, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed.

Public Input: None

Staff reports:

Police Chief: Jeremy was absent: Spoke with owner of 607 East Street. He is demolishing the structure to be finished by June.  He is waiting to hear back on the radar. Jeremy stated that he was out of ticket books and made a request to purchase new ticket books. Jeremy said he would get quotes. He advised that he would contact the Kansas League of Municipalities on updating fines for traffic tickets. A request was made for a new uniform to replace the old one. Jeremy requested to give back his cell phone because he didn’t use it. He also asked to donate his printer to another department because he doesn’t use it.

Debbie made motion to purchase a new uniform shirt and pants not to exceed $175.00, 2nd by Richard. Motion passed.

Dennis made motion to purchase new ticket books, 2nd by Debbie. Motion passed.

Gail Lauderdale: Gail made a request to add caller ID to the City Hall telephone.

Richard made motion to add caller ID to the City Hall telephone, 2nd by John. Motion passed.

Tricia Arnold: Tricia updated the council on the ongoing problems with QuickBooks. She reported that she was waiting for Rose Mary with Ranson to get back with us on getting a grant to replace our wa ter tower.  Rose Mary had been out of the office. Tricia reported that the version of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word are no longer supported and the city needs to subscribe to Microsoft 365 yearly. She requested permission to advertise for a part-time City Clerk so that she could leave to care for her Mother.

Dennis made motion to subscribe to Microsoft 365, 2nd by Alice. Motion passed

Reports of Mayor and Council:

Janis: Janis reported that there are two applications for the treasurer position.  It is a Mayor appointed position and Tricia was asked to set up back to back interviews with them. She advised that we have a truck that needs to be fixed before spring. Janis discussed the condition of the roads after the winter weather.  Dennis made a recommendation for purchasing the asphalt screening. The council said to get a quote and revisit it at the next meeting. Jackson Township signed a contract with us for a ¾ inch meter but they purchased a 1 inch meter so they will be charged at the higher 1” meter rate.  City appointments will be in May. Janis said they need to setup a work night to deal with the trees at the football field. We received a letter of resignation from Tricia. Gail requested that Tricia try to be in the office 6 hours per week.

John: nothing to report

Richard: nothing to report

Alice: Alice stated she would like the big dumpsters on Main Street turned to face the street so people wouldn’t have to back out into the street. Dennis said he would speak to them.

Debbie: nothing to report.

Dennis: He reported that he would get quotes on the asphalt screenings. Dennis reported that the siren is now working but only manually, parts will be replaced to be able to use the telephone activation.  The generator at the sewer lagoon is up and running. He reported that we need fuel: diesel and gas.

Unfinished Business:  none

New Business: none

Dennis made motion to adjourn seconded by Richard. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:39 PM

Next regular meeting March 13th at 5:45 PM

Next: Regular Council Meeting


Wednesday, February 12th, 2024

at 5:45 PM

If you wish to be on the Agenda, please notify City Clerk one week prior to the meeting and advise what your topic will be.   Thank you


When paying for anything at the City Offices, please bring exact change.  We do not keep cash on hand at Windom City Hall.

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